Sun Secrets: Surprising Facts About Solar Energy and Our Nearest Star.

By |2021-05-20T22:30:12+00:00July 7, 2014|Energy Issues|

The Sun plays a pretty important part in all our lives – whether you’re considering its vital role as the primary source of energy on our planet, looking at its importance for growing food or simply hoping that it’ll shine for your weekend off! It’s always there and it’s always [...]

Smart Meters: Giving Away Your Secrets to Save Energy?

By |2021-05-20T22:30:12+00:00April 15, 2014|Energy Issues|

Smart meters are set to become an increasingly familiar item in our homes, as energy companies start a major campaign to roll out these devices across the country from 2015, as part of a Government mandated programme to install 53 million of them by 2020. Billed as the 'next generation' [...]

The Energy Cost of a Hard Winter

By |2021-05-20T22:30:13+00:00January 17, 2011|Energy Issues|

The last two winters have been the coldest that the UK has seen for several years and have coincided with a general hike in prices for oil, coal and gas for domestic heating. This has meant that rather than conserving energy for environmental reasons, some people have been forced to [...]

European Initiatives for Waste Reduction

By |2021-05-20T22:30:13+00:00January 14, 2011|Energy Issues|

It is not just people here in the UK who are interested in preserving the environment for future generations. Every country in Europe is committed to environmental initiatives that conserve energy and reduce waste. The European Commission is running a major project called the Life Plus programme and one of [...]

Energy Saving, but is it Money Saving?

By |2021-05-20T22:30:14+00:00May 12, 2010|Energy Issues|

Saving energy is a good thing for the environment and the government is very keen for every individual in the UK to adopt a lifestyle that has a lower carbon footprint. For people with their own house, saving energy is a priority for saving money on fuel bills, as these [...]

Are Biofuels Green or Not?

By |2021-05-20T22:30:16+00:00March 4, 2009|Energy Issues|

Biofuels may be renewable sources of energy, but that does not necessarily mean they are environmentally sound. A key problem with biofuels – which have been more accurately named ‘agrofuels’ by some experts – is that they require large amounts of plant material to produce. This plant material requires an [...]

BedZED: The UK’s Biggest Eco-Community

By |2021-05-20T22:30:17+00:00April 13, 2008|Energy Issues|

The government'is committed to making all new homes and house building carbon neutral in the ongoing fight to prevent climate change. This will mean that all the carbon released in the build and day to day living in a property is neutralised by sequestering the same amount, therefore offsetting the [...]

Government Targets for Climate Change

By |2021-05-20T22:30:20+00:00February 21, 2007|Energy Issues|

With the growing concern over climate change there’s been pressure for the government to respond with targets aimed at combating the issue. Indeed, it’s become almost fashionable for political parties to add a green flavour to policies in order to show how socially responsible they are. There’s no doubt that [...]

The Financial Cost of Climate Change

By |2021-05-20T22:30:21+00:00January 30, 2007|Energy Issues|

A recent report by economist Nicholas Stern put the effects of climate change into hard monetary terms. The outcomes of the report were an eye opening indication of what the cost to the environment could be if we act now or what will happen if we don’t change out ways. [...]

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